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Sigourney Weaver and Lewis MacDougall

Genre Film Star Status Was Never the Intention, Says Sigourney Weaver

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Sigourney Weaver appeared at the New York premiere of A Monster Calls, and there she told reporters that, in appreciating directors who sought her out based on her impressive C.V., becoming a high profile genre star was never the goal.

“I never go out of my way to find a sci-fi film or a fantasy film, but the use of some of these elements to tell a story is absolutely apt,” she explained. “I think great literature has always involved a certain amount of fantasy and a lot of imagination.

"To me, these genre labels are not very helpful. Sci-fi is a genre that’s often dismissed, but some of our most interesting films, such as ‘District 9,’ come out of it.”

Source: Variety

Posted in A Monster Calls,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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