George R.R. Martin Teases 'Game of Thrones' Series Endgame
Game of Thrones has left fans reeling after its most recent serving of heartbreak, and while what's 'canon' to the novels and what's not won't be clear until we eventually get the next chapter in George R.R. Martin's neverending epic, that particular finale seems mightily important.
Martin shared that particularly revealing ending with showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss as canon to the books, and it's one of only three secrets he revealed to the creators in a meeting two years ago.
The first of these secrets was Stannis Baratheon's heinous act of burninghis daughter alive in a blood sacrifice that remains for this writer the hardest scene to watch in the entire franchise. The second was the now dead and buried reveal of Hodor's name and the reason for his ;condition'.
The third secret "is from the very end," Benioff has told Entertainment Weekly. “So much of what we’re doing diverges from the books at this point. And while there are certain key elements that will be the same, we’re not going to talk so much about that — and I don’t think George is either.
"People are going to be very surprised when they read the books after the show. They’re quite divergent in so many respects for the remainder of the show.” This should be promising for book fans, who certainly won't lack for shock and heartache when it comes time to pick up the next novel.
Source: Indiewire