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Alfred Pennyworth in Gotham

Gotham Ep. 9 (Harvey Dent)

PodestriansFilmcast PodestriansFilmcast Batman has always had a tumultuous relationship with Catwoman. In fact, you could go as far as to say that it is the longest running love/hate relationship in the history of popular culture – from Batman #1 in 1940 to Harvey Dent, the 9th episode of Gotham. And it was the heavy-handed approach to this relationship in the most recent episode of Gotham that reminded us that the mediocre side of the show has not really left us, it had just been hiding for the last couple of weeks.

Harvey Dent has the young Selina Kyle become roommates with the young Bruce Wayne and several scenes of trite and soulless dialogue follows. They discuss parents, she storms off. She’s a free bird, she can’t be tamed. Or a free cat…who knows? Either way, the episode slaps you about the face with the simplicity of the character development. The only plus from it was the clear blossoming of feelings between the two. Elsewhere in the Wayne household, the ever enjoyable Sean Pertwee (Alfred) continues to add pleasant moments to the show.

Harvey Dent also saw the introduction of… Harvey Dent. Despite the fact that Dent is still a lawyer and is yet unscarred, the show seems to be taking an interesting Jekyll & Hyde approach to him. There was not much focus on our crime fighting duo this week as things centered round the Penguinand the jostling for power among Falcone’s underlings. The final scene added a whole host of drama that seemed to come out of nowhere. Not so much a woman scorned as a woman who was spoken to curtly a few times by her boyfriend before leaving for an instant affair - weird progression. The show lost a little steam this week.

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