Hans Zimmer Gives Candid Reason for Turning Away From Superheroes Following 'Batman v Superman'
Hans Zimmer's last superhero film work was on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and was his second take on the caped crusader following his brilliant take on the character in Christopher Nolan's trilogy.
“[Batman v Superman] was very hard for me to do, to try to find new language,” he told BBC Hardtalk. “I did Batman Begins with Chris [Nolan] 12 years ago, so The Dark Knight trilogy might be three movies to you; to me, it was 11 years of my life.”
A big part of the reason why he turned away was the change in actor and take on the role. “It just did my brain in to have written Christian Bale as Batman, and suddenly it’s Ben Affleck. And it felt like I was betraying everything Christian had done. So there’s a certain amount of loyalty attached to those movies, as well.
"I spent months trying to come up with something for Ben. The Batman that I know and the one I learned is the one that Christian did, and Ben plays it differently. And I can’t quite shake that off. For me, the Christian Bale character was always completely unresolved. It was always about that moment at the beginning of the first movie, where he sees his parents getting killed. It was basically arrested development. The Ben character is more middle-aged, he seems to be grumpy as hell but I didn’t feel the pain that I felt in Christian’s performance. And it was that pain that made me interested."
His reasons are wholly personal and don't seem to reflect on Affleck's portrayal but simply Zimmer's past experience with the character.
Source: http://www.slashfilm.com/why-hans-zimmer-gave-up-scoring-batman-movies/