HBO Confirms Jon Snow's Parentage in 'Game of Thrones'
While the season 6 finale made it relatively clear for fans, HBO has dismissed any remaining doubt and have confirmed just who Jon Snow's parents are, as alluded to in the season six finale.
On The Making Game of Thrones blog, HBO's official production blog for the series, has revealed all of the connections involved in Ned Stark's promise to Lyanna, his dying sister who gave birth to Jon.
Lyanna asked herbrother to protect her newborn son, which the show doesn't explicit name Jon but makes it pretty damn obvious nevertheless. The infographic revealed on the blog confirms that the father, and Lyanna Stark's lover, was Rhaegar Targaryen, confirming a long-running theory that R+L = J.
Many fans debate whether Lyanna was abducted by Rhaegar, or whether the two of them ran away together due to a forbidden love formed. In any case, the events during the rein of the Targaryens sounds genuinely compelling,and its a shame where limited to flashbacks.
To see the infographic in full, follow this link.
Source: Comicbook