HBO's 'Westworld' Mapped Out for Five or More Seasons
HBO is set to premiere Westworld next month, the western/sci-fi hybrid intended as, in some ways, the next Game of Thrones for the premium cabler. Showrunners Jonathan and Lisa Joy Nolan have plenty of confidence behind the series, as five seasons have already been plotted out.
“It’s a really complex interlocking story. We knew where we wanted to go and we knew exactly how the season ended where the kind of character arcs ended, but weaving those scripts and writing the dialogue for all these brilliant actors, it takes time," Joy said.
“We would joke that don’t have George, we don’t have the novels. We have a fantastic original film, but that’s a little under two hours of storytelling. So our joke was we have to write the ‘novels’ first, and then adapt them and then go shoot them. We didn’t want to have a story that repeated itself [each year]," Nolan said.
"We didn’t want the Fantasy Island version of this [where new guests arrive at the park every season]. We wanted a big story. We wanted the story of the origin of a new species and how that would play out in its complexity.”
The series premieres October 2 at 9PM.
Source: Collider