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The Knick
I expect these things. André Holland in The Knick

I expect these things. André Holland in The Knick

Clip from the new Cinemax (HBO) series The Knick.

Juliet Rylance (Cornelia Robertson): Hello? Algernon?

Dr. Algernon Edwards (André Holland): Yes.

This, they assigned you this?

With their compliments.

Well, what about the empty space next to Christenson's old office?

They say they have another use for it.

And your medical work?

I've been ignored, mostly. And I've barely been allowed any task beyond the skill of a first year medical student. And, as for my teaching, well...

You can't accept this. You're the deputy chief of surgery.

A position they believe I hold because of your family, Cornelia. I expect these things. You're upset because you don't.

burnsting burnsting




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