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Ian McShane is Ready for a Return to 'Deadwood'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Deadwood was cut agonizingly short for fans of the HBO western epic, running for three seasons before being cut without any kind of closure.

On and off since it's cancellation, there have been talks of a film to wrap things up, though these reports usually end up sinking, as does the possibility of said film. HBO confirmed recently that "it's going to happen," and that they're ready to go when creator David Milch is.

Ian McShane, who played Al Swearengen, has added his voice to the discussion. "Of course I’d love to reprise that. How could one not, when it was snatched away rather unjustly by a combination of forces we’ll never know about – hubris or money or whatever. But [Deadwood] certainly finished too early. At the time, most of us working on the show were incredulous.

"It’s been announced by HBO so it’s not like I’m saying it. I know for a fact David is working on the script. It’s been 10 years since it finished. [Star Timothy Olyphant’s] free from Justified.

"I’m hoping they’ll make the deal soon, for two or four hours, whatever they decide on. It was a very close knit group of actors on it. We got along very well. I’m sure David will decide to set it 10 years later, after the great fire or whatever happened in Deadwood. They haven’t done the deal yet. They [were planning] to do it late this year or early next year."

What the deal incites is unclear, whether it means production or a "deal" between HBO and Milch. In any case, there should be news coming forward relatively soon.

Source: Slashfilm

Posted in Deadwood,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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