Iron Man 4 Not in Marvel's Near Future Plans
While the character will forever be known as the launching pad for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man as a solo superhero seems to have been shelved for some time.
Reports indicate that Marvel have no plans to go forward with a third Iron Man sequel until at least after 2020, over seven years after the characters last solo appearance in 2013.
Obviously, Iron Man is set to play a major role in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, and he's no doubt going to play an appearing role in Marvel's plans in the next few years. Nevertheless, fans of the character may be disheartened to know that the company does not feel compelled to throw the suited up billionaire on the screen to punch things all on his own.
It does however bring relevance to a question that's sure to come into focus the deeper Marvel gets into their universe; that is, recasting their characters. Obviously, actors can't stay in a role forever, and Robert Downey Jnr may not be interested in the role, or may even be considered too old.
While recasting has become an acceptable trend in Hollywood, particular for superhero romps, the fact is that it's hard to think of a time when it happened in continuity. Or at least, with such an a-list character integral to the franchise.
For now, Captain America: Civil War arrives May 6.
Source: Cinemablend