Jared Leto Talks Method Acting for the Joker in 'Suicide Squad'
Jared Leto opted for method acting when it came to his portrayal of the Joker, in his attempt to bring something new and unique and groundbreaking to a role that had been nailed already in the past by the likes of Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger.
During a blu-ray behind the scenes video, Leto discusses his exploration of the character and his devotion to exploring sides of the character nobody has seen before. “This role has always been interpreted so beautifully, but then there’s the other side: What else can you uncover?”
“What other parts of this story or this life, what can you do that hasn’t been done? That side of me that likes exploration, that likes adventure, that likes to push the envelope, that was set on fire immediately. I knew that I was going to have to dive really deep and go to a place that I’ve never gone before.”
Director David Ayer had his own words of commendation toward Leto's portrayal, in which he says that Leto essentially became the Joker.
“During the process of figuring out the Joker and helping Jared create that character, I kinda had to say goodbye to Jared. There was a point when he went away and was replaced slowly and surely by the Joker.
"“It was a fascinating process to watch. There was this really nice guy, a good guy with a lot of depth to him, he’s a very thoughtful person … the Joker is not someone you’d say is a really good guy.”
Source: Comicbook