J.K. Simmons Teases a Harder Jim Gordon Than We've Ever Seen on the Big Screen
Justice League will mark the debut of Commissioner Gordon in the DCEU, and J.K. Simmons seems the perfect fit in this harsh new world Zack Snyder has created. It's hard to imagine Gary Oldman's version fitting into this one.
Simmons spoke with EW to reveal that he will be returning to London for one more bout of shooting, and hopes that he'll "get to play Commissioner Gordon in a handful of movies."
“People of my generation remember Commissioner Gordon as this jolly, ineffectual Santa Claus type, and I think over the years in the comics there’s definitely much more of a badass side to him. One of the things that’s interesting to me is investigating hopefully a little bit more of that badass [side]…
"You’re living in a universe where it’s pretty tough to be a badass compared to somebody like Batman, but in the universe of non-superheroes I like the idea of Commissioner Gordon as a guy that can take care of himself, a guy that’s a real partner to Batman, not just a guy that turns on the bat signal and goes, ‘Help! Help, Batman!’”
Source: Collider