Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix has always been a consistent performer. Ever since his critically acclaimed breakout performance in To Die For (1995), Phoenix has always managed to grab a role by the scruff of the neck.
His recent role of Theodore in Spike Jonze's, Her is one of his best to date, a performance some believe should of earned him an Oscar nom. But the year before we were given, probably, his career defining performance. Freddie Quell (The Master) was a character we as an audience had huge empathy with, and with this role, Phoenix gave us an insight into his true genius as an actor.
Never shying away from a challenge, his last few films have shown he is currently performing to a very high calibre. Not many actors in the world can play emotionally or mentally troubled characters as perfectly as Phoenix can.
Last 5 roles;
"Theodore" in Her (2013)
"Bruno Weiss" in The Immigrant (2013)
"Freddie Quell" in The Master (2012)
"Leonard Kraditor" in Two Lovers (2008)
"Ethan Learner" in Reservation Road (2007)