Joe Carnahan to Write the Script for Sony's 'Uncharted' Film
Sony Pictures has been trying to make Uncharted happen for some time. And there are good reasons why it shouldn't happen. They being said, the latest news from the project is that Joe Carnahan (The Grey) has joined on to pen the new script.
The writer will not direct, according to Variety, given his commitment to Bad Boys 3. The film will be based on the acclaimed video game series that follows Nathan Drake, who has spent his life searching for the lost treasures and cities of the world in the name of his ancestor Sir Francis Drake.
Carnahan becomes the latest in a very long line of people who have tried to make this adaptation happen, including David O. Russell and Mark Boal. The film is slated for June 30, 2017, though it's famous for its delays.
Source: Comingsoon