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John Goodman Joins Patriots Day

John Goodman Joins Mark Wahlberg's 'Patriots Day'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Patriots Day is set to explore the events surrounding the bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon, including the story of those responsible for taking up the call of duty in the aftermath of the tragedy.

John Goodman has now joined the cast, taking the role of former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, who played a reportedly instrumental role in hunting down the suspects and bringing them to justice.

Director Peter Berg had this to say: "Commissioner Davis is an American hero, and John Goodman brings the extraordinary combination of humility, gravitas and empathy to portray him." Goodman joins Mark Walhberg and J.K. Simmons in a cast that's looking very solid.

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in Patriots Day,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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