Jon Bernthal Talks Entry into Comic Books, and the Humanity Behind The Punisher
Jon Bernthal made his debut as The Punisher in Netflix's Daredevil season 2, the success of which has led to the announcement of a Punisher spin-off series. Bernthal himself has shown nothing but enthusiasm for the role.
The actor credits The Walking Dead as his entry point into the world of comic books.
"My first real exposure to the comic books and the comic book world was through The Walking Dead. It was also an exposure to the comic book fans and their enthusiasm and how much it means to them. I had no idea how committed that fan base is … I experienced it firsthand with The Walking Dead. With this character, Frank Castle, I really dived into the comic book. I got a lot from the books and the research process was fun."
But the super-powered side of things is less interesting to Bernthal than the man behind those powers. "I wasn’t desperately trying to get into the comic book world. [laughs] For me, it’s about the human being. He has no superpower. His superpower is his humanity. It’s his drive, his rage, and his loss.
"I could never have played this part if I weren’t a husband or father. Until you really understand what it’s like to love somebody more than yourself and to willingly give your life for them, only then can you understand what it would mean if they were taken from you...
"A big part of this guy is a guy searching for himself. He’s got pain, regret and remorse. There’s the graveyard scene where he opens up. He delivers this scene where he explains what it’s like to come home and see his daughter. It was such a gift from John C. Kelley. I had been away from my kids for three months, and I was at the crux of my own torture, going through that."
Source: Collider