Jon Favreau teases his return to Marvel Beyond an Executive Producing role
Jon Favreau, who directed the immensely successful The Jungle Book, departed the director's chair at Marvel with Iron Man 2, though he has remained involved as an executive producer on Iron Man 3, The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and will return to the same role for Infinity War.
Speaking with IGN, Favreau was asked regarding a return to directing within the Marvel universe, specifically, what it would take to get him back in the role.
"A great story. I know the people over there. I like them. I still executive produce the Avengers series and I like what they’re doing a lot now, I do. By the same token I feel like I’ve made my mark; whatever we did in those early days has continued and is in good hands with new filmmakers with fresh voices.
“I think they’re hiring the right kinds of filmmakers – I couldn’t be more impressed with this one [Civil War], and Guardians of the Galaxy I thought was an unexpected, delightful film. I just think how I fit in now might be different. It’s 10 years later, and now I’m more of an elder statesman. But we talk a lot about how I could be involved there and I exist both in front of and behind the camera in the Marvel universe, which puts me in a unique position which I enjoy.
“We’re always trying to figure out if there’s a way for me to contribute beyond just being an executive producer there. I wouldn’t be surprised if something pops up soon, but there’s no one property that we’re identifying that I’d want to helm up and shoulder. Because now that the universe has gotten so big over there, I don’t know that I understand how it all fits together anymore. I was there in the early days when the universe was very small. Now the universe is very big there and they seem to have it well in hand.”
Source: Comicbook