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Josh Brolin on Thanos in Infinity War: "These Avengers Stories All Come Down to This"

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Josh Brolin revealed that he has gotten a ton of publicity for his role in the MCU as Thanos, despite having barely played the character at all. But the actor said that Infinity War will change that.

"These Avengers stories all come down to this conclusion, and that's our involvement. Basically, my character against everybody. And it's really fun what they've chosen to do with the story. I think it's brilliant, personally.

" I was blown away, and had goose pimples pretty much 50% of the time that I was listening to what was going on, and pretty amazed that I'm going to be involved in it. So it's a big thing that's coming up."

Sounds like he's beating a dead horse with his praise for the film, which hasn't even got a finished script. In any case, part 1 of the yet-to-be retitled Avengers: Infinity War arrives May 4, 2018.

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in Avengers: Infinity War,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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