Joss Whedon Working on a World War II Horror Film
Joss Whedon has been saying a bunch of things lately, like wanting to helm a Black Widow solo film and wanting to take charge in a Star Wars Story picture, but now he's reminded fans that he's still in the writing game, and has confirmed work on an original screenplay.
“I’m in the middle of a screenplay that I am extremely passionate about, and I am going to be extremely passionate about it again on November 9,” said Whedon. “It’s definitely a departure from the things that I’m known for. It’s as dark as anything I’ve ever written. I just said, ‘OK, id, your turn.’
"I would write scenes and be like, ‘Oh this is great! I shouldn’t be allowed near people.’ It’s a historical fiction/horror movie about a time when the world was going insane, World War II. I got to tell you, I was in Germany and Poland doing research for this movie and I was seeing so many parallels [to the U.S.].
"And I know it’s a shopworn thing to compare the orange guy to the little guy with the mustache, but you see things, indelible things in terms of propaganda, the state of the country, and the parallels are eerie as f*ck.”
He of course went on to name other major blockbusters he'd love to work on, such as an Anne Hathaway Catwoman film and a James Bond film.
Source: Comingsoon