Justice League Animated Series Confirmed by Cartoon Network
About a month ago a photo popped up on Reddit and Imgur supposedly showing either a wall inside Warner Bros. or Cartoon Network offices. Obviously there is no proof that it was taken inside of either of these places– it is merely speculation, but the person responsible for posting the image pointed out the Justice League poster displayed next to newer properties like Teen Titans Go and Mike Tyson Mysteries. This photo gave rise to the idea that either Cartoon Network or Warner Bros may be considering a Justice League reboot.
A month later during a facebook interview with The World’s Finest a representative from Cartoon Network (Canada) had this to say when asked about a possible Justice League reboot:

So that is excited, hopefully Warner Bros and Cartoon Network will stop doing this thing where they make an awesome show, like the original Teen Titans or Young Justice, air it for two years and than abruptly cancel it. The original Justice League series’ both suffered from this also.

But we probably will not be seeing this reboot for a while since CN Canada is looking to air it around a year from now. We usually get our network shows a little later than Canada, but sometime around Fall of next year we can look forward to seeing the , allegedly titled, Justice League Action… well… in action!