'Kong: Skull Island' Star Toby Kebbell Vague on Just Who is Playing Kong
Toby Kebbell has done plenty of motion capture work in the past, notably as Koba in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and as the orc Durotan in Warcraft. So when he was cast in the film, speculation swirled that he'd be playing the titular monster, but it's not as clear-cut as that.
He plays a human role as Air Force Major Jack Chapman, who works with the character played by Samuel L. Jackson. Speaking with EW back in may, Kebbell confirmed he gave some "facial reference - certain subtleties, certain looks. Terry and I worked on stuff together and created what Kong needed."
A few interviews have added up to Kebbell confirming that Terry Notary plays Kong, however just this past weekend Kebbell responded to questions from MovieWeb on the still active rumours.
"It’s a tricky one. I think… time will tell who’s playing Kong, but, for the time being, I’ve been asked to promote playing Major Chapman. Jack Chapman is my character, and he’s the sidekick of Sam Jackson’s character."
This sounds like a sharp deviation from prior interviews, and he makes no mention of Notary at all. It's likely he had a lot more to do with bringing Kong to life than he's lead on so far.
The film opens March 10, 2017.
Source: Slashfilm