LexCorp Marketing Campaign Creates Sense of Realism for Batman v Superman
It appears that, as Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the world will get a front seat to some pretty fun marketing until the films release in March of 2016. We recently got to see an “interview” with Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) by Fortune Magazine where Lex outlines his position with his start-up company “LexCorp” in comparison to his rivals (Like Wayne Tech) as well as his rise to the recent spotlight. The interview, itself, reads a bit cheesy, but that is understandable considering the fact that they are attempting to bring a fictional character to life. And I do like the overall realism that they are trying to portray in this recent ad-campaign as it makes the audience feel like they are a part of the spectacle.

A week after this staged interview with Lex, his start-up company LexCorp sponsoring the New York Comic-Con with a booth as well as offering free WiFi! Additionally, the company has released a new website that promises to release all sorts of new content by “LexCorp”… I for one hope that they do, in fact, release, what the site refers to as Lex/OS. But I think it is a safe assumption that they wouldn’t go through the work of building and maintaining a whole operating system– maybe it will be more of like an emulator to give you a second-screen experience for the movie
They also released a promotional video about LexCorp and the site:

Here is a transcript of the video:
“At LexCorp Industries, we believe in technology that unites us, where inspiration, innovation and imagination all come together to create a greater tomorrow, today. Now, LexCorp is proud to announce Lex/OS the world’s most private and secure operating system. Engineered with the protection you need, and the freedom you want. To celebrate, please enjoy our free Lex Wi-Fi throughout this venue and visit our LexCorp booth for your free charging device. LexCorp and the New Lex/OS, providing the safety and confidence we need in an ever changing world. Let’s build a better tomorrow.”

If you want to stay up to date on all the newest LexCorp awesomeness– feel free to follow them on:
…Also…. does this remind you at all of the promotional videos done by recent films like Prometheus and The Martian? I like this new trend with films reaching out to their respective audiences in creative ways rather than relying only on trailers.