Christian Bale 70s glasses conman in American Hustle
filmOA | in production

Christian Bale is 70’s conman Irving Rosenfeld in American Hustle

playplay trailer

Director David O. Russell is on a roll after his acclaimed Silver Linings Playbook last year. It took him six years to go from I Heart Huckabees (2004) to The Fighter (2010) — which Mark Wahlberg had signed on for in 2005, just to show how long production can take. But now he’s back a year later in what looks like a seventies styled comical drama.

Christian Bale will play Irving Rosenfeld, a conman set in a world loosely based on the undercover FBI operation called Abscam. The conman’s real name was Melvin Weinberg, a convict hired by the FBI for his expertise. Together with the FBI he set up a fake company called Abdul Enterprises. And certain FBI officials pretended to be Karim Abdul Rahman, a Middle Eastern sheikh, to try and bribe government officials.

Based on David O. Russell’s repertoire I’d say American Hustle will be an entertaining drama, with a little more depth than the stylish trailer is showing.

Release dec 13th (US)

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cast&crew | Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence
