Sean Gullette Pi 1998 Aronofsky


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Aronofsky began writing the screenplay for Pi almost immediately after coming home from Sundance in 1996. Judging by his diary, he already had the basic premise knocking about. During April of 1996 Aronofsky retreated and began writing the first draft. He believed it to be one of the most important weeks of his life, although he seemed angry at himself for going 5 years without attempting to make a feature. Before he began writing he came up with 6 rules for the writing of the screenplay:

- Always move forward. If you have a problem type through it.

- Only take a break after something good happens on the page or you accomplish a goal. No breaks for confusion (type through it).

- Ten pages a day minimum.

- Only go back to add something. Do not remove contradictions, just make a note.

- Do it. Suffer, live, cry, struggle for one week. You’ll feel like a million bucks.

- Have fun.

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