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MadMen Season 6

sometimes it’s better when you don’t know what’s coming

We’re so excited about the next season of Mad Men. It’s gonna be great. An all new season. Can’t wait. But why is it so exciting? It’s not like we know anything about it. We can’t wait for what? Is knowing the new season of Mad Men is coming simply enough?

Here we have this series about a couple of ad people in the 60’s. It’s a great series, let’s be clear about that. But Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner runs the show like it’s the next season of Lost. Not giving away anything about the new season’s storyline. It must be some Apple-like ploy to build hype. Highly secretive about its next iPhone. But when it’s there, it looks the same as the previous one. It’s still a great device, but what was all the fuzz about?

The point is probably: it all doesn’t matter. We want to know what happens to Don, his women, Pete, Peggy and Sterling. But do we really want to know before we watch it on tv?

Isn’t any film or show better when you don’t know anything about it and are totally blown away? Of course you’ve always got the problem of potentially not be blown away and watching something that’s not worth your time. So you would have to know something, to give you an idea if it’s worth it. But that’s not the case with Mad Men. By now, we all know the 2-hour premiere will be great if not spectacular. filmOA end logo

Mad Men season 6 will premiere April 7th on AMC.

Mad Men

The cast on season 6

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