Maisie Williams Confirms Another Stark Return for 'Game of Thrones'
With Bran making his return to HBO's fantasy epic last Sunday, albeit briefly, the question that was always, eventually, going to be asked is what has happened of Rickon, the youngest of the family who hasn't been seen since season 3.
Speaking with BBC Radio 1, Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, responded to whether we'll see Rickon in season 6 with an uncertain "ye-es," before following with "Yes. Maybe." The cat was definitely out of the bag by then.
"Yes, we will indeed... Oh no, I'm literally going to get off the air and someone's going to email me!"
With Jon Snow returning from the dead, Bran's return, and now Rickon playing some sort of role in the show, is it finally the Stark resurgence that fans have been waiting for since the end of season 3 (or really, since the end of season 1)?
Source: Screenrant