Mark Hamill May Have Confirmed his Return for Star Wars: Episode IX
Star Wars: The Force Awakens recreated the magic for a whole new generation of fans. It may be early to talk about the final film in the trilogy but Mark Hamill may have revealed some news about it.
Everybody knows Luke Skywalker was in The Force Awakens for about five seconds. Rian Johnson, director of Episode VIII, has gone on notice saying his film will take place right after the events of The Force Awakens. The assumption is that Luke Skywalker will be mentoring Rey. So it is likely his role will be increased. Although fans were excited that their favorite Jedi would have a bigger role. Fans were worried about Luke being killed off. They have every reason to worry especially after the death of Han Solo.
Mark Hamill tweeted out a video today which hinted at a possible spoiler. The video was Hamill shaving off his beard. The tweet was captioned with.
"Haven't seen my chin since May '15, so #FarewellFacialFur & #ByeByeBeard (at least til #EpisodeIX)"
This is a relief if Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is in Episode IX. Yet if Rian Johnson wanted to have a death in his Star Wars film, this could be a bad sign for General Leia Organa.
Although Hamill basically confirmed he would be in Episode IX. It doesn't mean he has to be living. So the guessing game will continue on what will happen in Episode VIII.
Star Wars: Episode VIII is directed by Rian Johnson and it will hit theaters December 15, 2017. Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow will be helping Star Wars: Episode IX which will premiere in 2019.
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Source: Screenrant