Martin Scorsese's Silence
Martin Scorsese's new movie Silence has recently wrapped up filming in Taiwan. Silence is based on the 1966 novel by Shûsaku Endô and adapted for film by Jay Cocks (Gangs of New York). It follows two Portuguese Jesuit missionaries, Father Rodriguez (Andrew Garfield) and Father Francisco Garrpe (Adam Driver) who are in search of their lost mentor, played by Liam Neeson, in 17th C Japan. It was a time where Catholicism and other western influence were being purged by the Shogunate and traveling priests (as well as native Christians) faced prosecution for their beliefs.
Andrew Garfield explained that his character "wrestles with the greatest and most important and difficult questions that we all wrestle with, which is how to live and how does one live a life of meaning, a life of faith, and does that require you to live in doubt as well?"
Scorsese had been wanting to do this project since he first read the book in 1988. “The subject matter presented by Shusaku Endo was in my life since I was very, very young,” he told reporters at a press conference. After making Hugo, Shutter Island and Wolf of Wall Street, Silence is a return to a more spiritual and historical theme of which Scorsese is no stranger.
The film also include Ciaran Hinds (Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy), Tadanobu Asano (Thor: The dark World) and Shin'ya Tsukamoto (Tetsuo, the Iron Man). There is no actual date yet but Silence is expected to be released in 2016.
Source: EW and Screenrant.com