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Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey Signs on for Comedy 'The Beach Bum'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Matthew McConaughey has signed on for The Beach Bum, a stoner comedy from Harmony Korine (Spring Breakers). Variety reports: “‘The Beach Bum’ follows the hilarious misadventures of Moondog, a rebellious and lovable rogue who lives life large.”

LeGrisbi Productions’ John Lesher said: “In ‘The Beach Bum,’ Harmony has crafted the perfect movie for our dark and serious time — a refreshingly original, irreverent, and hilarious stoner comedy that only he could create.”

It sounds very much along the same lines as McConaughey's older roles, before people started taking him "seriously." The actor has come a long way since those pre-2009 days, with award-winning roles and acclaimed performances left, right and center. There isn't a right answer when it comes to coming up with your favourite McConaughey role, from True Detective to Interstellar, the man has shown off some impressive range.

And at this point, he can pick his roles with ease. So there must be something in The Beach Bum that we don't yet know.


Posted in The Beach Bum,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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