Men in Black 4 to Feature Prominent Female Agent
With no word on whether Will Smith will be in the next Men in Black sequel, or even when production will take off, producer Laurie MacDonald has told BBC's Newsbeat that a female agent will be included in the fourth installment.
"There will be a prominent woman in black in the fourth," she said, though with little else to add. "We are quite early on it."
There have been rumours that the franchise could even crossover with the 21 Jump Street franchise, which the directors of that franchise admitted to have been previously discussed. The thought of that sounds... ridiculous.
In any case, it's unclear whether a fourth MIB film will be a reboot or a basic continuation (not that any of it is basic anymore), as Will Smith's return is unconfirmed, and even MacDonald is unsure of his role, if any, in the future of the series.
Source: comicbook