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Michael Dougherty to Direct 'Godzilla 2'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Krampus director Michael Dougherty had first been hired to head up the Godzilla universe writers room, and now he's been given the reins on Godzilla 2, which is due out in 2019.

Reports suggested as much back when news broke that he and Krampus co-writer Zach Shields were penning the script for the film, but an insider claimed that the deal was only to write, not direct. Now, Legendary has apparently decided to offer him the top job.

It was back in late 2015 that Legendary and Warner Bros. announced the collaborative world of King Kong and Godzilla would eventually meet in the middle for a monster battle. Kong: Skull Island is the next film in the franchise, out in March.

Godzilla 2 is slated for March 22, 2019, while Godzilla vs. Kong is due out on May 29, 2020.

Source: Variety

Posted in Godzilla: King of the Monsters,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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