Mississippi Grind Review
So I got around to watching this movie, about a few weeks back. I have not had the chance to write a review until now. I have to say I really enjoyed this film starring Ben Mendelsohn and Ryan Reynolds. This film is a dark story of a man that is addicted to gambling, and looses his wife and life. Stuck in a job in property, Ben Mandelsohn a loner strikes a friendship one night in a bar with Ryan Reynolds. After they strike up a friendship the two decide to pack up and go on an adventure on the road. Whilst the two are on the road they stop at towns hoping to make money through gambling. This is one of those films that you would probably not hear about unless one writes a review. You will enjoy this dark, smart, witty story of a gambler hoping to just find that one big win which will change his life around. I really have to say that some of the places that this film is shot in, are fantastic to see in the film.
I really enjoy taking the time to write articles but do not wish to post spoilers. This is why I try to keep my articles short and simple, and to the point. So if you are looking for something to watch hope this article helps you make your mind.