More Hunger Games Stories "Have to Come from Suzanne Collins": Director on Future of Franchise
There are rumbling that The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is unlikely to be the final visit to Panem for fans of the franchise, and Director Francis Lawrence was questioned on that very topic while speaking with Yahoo! Movies UK.
"We've finished the story and it's kind of bittersweet for us," Lawrence said. "..I'm very happy to have seen the stories through to the end... so if there were ever more stories, I think they'd have to come from Suzanne Collins.
Suzanne Collins at the moment has no plans to write further into the lore of the world she created. Though, even if the director is adamant about the story coming from its initial author, I doubt it would hold Lionsgate back were they wanting to dig deeper into the goldmine.
Considering it's Lionsgate's biggest franchise, you could imagine it would be easy enough for them to seek a new director if Lawrence felt strongly enough against coming back. Though, according to Jennifer Lawrence, there won't be a future for the three main characters of the four films.
"Not with us in it. They'll get a whole new cast of young hot teenagers [to star]."
Source: Screenrant