Nice to meet you too.. Chang. Let's Be Cops
Clip with Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr. and Nina Dobrev.
Hey, uhm, I'm sorry, I had no idea you were a cop.
Oh, I'm not really a cop.
What do you mean?
We're more than cops! We help all the intense units. SWAT, FBI. The other day we were in a 51-50. And this guy comes off with a sawed off shotgun, right. And, bang, bang, bang
Dude.. What are you doing?
I look behind me. And Jay-Rock puts one in the chest, two in the balls. Do not let that humble face fool you. And we all at the force talk about, we think he needs a serious back-massage.
Ok. I'm Josie.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.. Chang.
Chang? Oh, yeah, Chang! It's a family name.
Ok, I'm sure I'll see you around office Chang.