No Advanced Press Screeners Coming for HBO's Game of Thrones in Season 6
It goes without saying that secrecy has always been a big deal on Game of Thrones, but now that it's ventured into uncharted waters, its keeping all its cards close to the chest.
HBO has announced that it will not be releasing any advanced episodes of the upcoming season to the press, instead press and TV writers will have to wait and see it along with the general public.
"We're not sending out press copies this year, anywhere in the world," HBO programming president Michael Lombardo said to Entertainment Weekly. "There will be no copies for review."
Last year, the first four episodes of the show's fifth season appeared on piracy networks a day before the premiere, so it's small wonder that they're taking precautions. The episodes received 3.22 million downloads in the first 24 hours, and became the highest all-time piracy record for a show that didn't exactly need to up their numbers in that corner.
"It's painful for Dan (Weiss) and David (Benioff) [when leaks happen]," Lombardo said. "When you have press copies, inevitably friends ask, 'Can I see your copy?' There are things that happen. We talked about the upsides and downsides. Some of the press are fans who might be disappointed, but they'll understand."
Source: Variety