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Mad Max: Fury Road
Oh, what a day. What a lovely day! Mad Max: Fury Road trailer

Oh, what a day. What a lovely day! Mad Max: Fury Road trailer

My world is fire and blood.

Everything is dependent on oil. We're killing for gasoline. A world that's almost out of water. Now there's the water wars.

Here they come again.

Everybody's gone out of their mind. You're not the only one Max.

A World Without Hope. Without Law. Without Mercy.

Out here, everything hurts. You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run.

From Mastermind George Miller.

Oh, what a day. What a lovely day!

The. World. Goes. Mad.

Tom Hardy. Charlize Theron. Nicholas Hoult.

Hey, what's your name?

Mad Max: Fury Road

Summer 2015.

burnsting burnsting




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