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Oscars 2016 Minimal Illustrations

needledesign needledesign 'Oscar Bait' is a collection of illustrated minimalist print designs created by Cardiff (UK) based Designer & Illustrator Matt Needle.

Building upon the original version of the project which began before the 2015 Academy Awards season. This year the collection of prints based upon Matt’s personal predictions for awards season were created between October 2015 - January 2016.

This year the project has grown in size and encompassed both his predictions and actual nominees (announced January 2016). Culminating in an exhibition and limited edition book.

Here are some of the illustrations:

Ex Machina
Ex Machina

The full collection as well as last years can be viewed at

Prints can be purchased at

You can follow matt on twitter @needledesign

Posted in The Oscars 2016,

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