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Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
Paramount to release an Anchorman 2: No Joke Cut

Paramount to release an Anchorman 2: No Joke Cut

Paramount made the surprising choice to release an alternate cut of Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues in theatres with “763 new jokes” shortly after the December premiere of the long awaited sequel. Now Paramount is making the even more surprising choice to release Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues: No Joke Cut with exactly zero jokes.

Director Adam McKay explained:
[/i]“People know that Will Ferrell and I do many joke options for our movies, but I think what gets lost is the fact that underneath the laughs there’s a very powerful drama at work. I’m just glad, with the no joke cut, audiences can finally appreciate the rawness and drama of Anchorman 2.”[/i]

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong




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