Producer Simon Kinberg Hopes for a 'Fantastic Four' Sequel with the Same Cast
Last year writer/producer Simon Kinberg expressed a desire to continue with 20th Century Fox's chaotic Fantastic Four reboot. Now, busy doing press rounds for X-Men: Apocalypse, Kinberg has rekindled his hopes for a Fantastic Four 2.
“We want to make another ‘Fantastic Four’ movie,” stated Kinberg. “We love that cast – I mean if I were to say to you now Michael B Jordan and Miles Teller, and Kate [Mara] and Jamie [Bell] are great actors – we love that cast.
" I love the comic, I mean I love it almost as much as X-Men. We’re working really hard on figuring that out. Nothing would make me happier than the world embracing a ‘Fantastic Four’ movie. We’ll try to be truer to the essence of the tone of Fantastic Four, which is completely – well, not completely, but largely – distinct from the X-Men, which is brighter, funner, more optimistic tone.
"I think we tried to make a darker ‘Fantastic Four’ movie, which seemed like a radical idea but we were kind of messing with the DNA of the actual comic instead of trusting the DNA of the comic.”
The writer, who did a page 1 rewrite on the script originally written by Jeremy Slater and Josh Trank, admits that the film was a mistake. “We didn’t make a good movie,” Kinberg said.
"And the world voted, and I think they probably voted correctly. And you can’t make a good movie every time out – not everybody does. We actually have a pretty good batting average, all things considered. But I think we made many mistakes when we made that movie – mistakes that we learned from and we wouldn’t repeat.”
The film crashed and burned, and has a fascinating backstory behind it. Kinberg's admittance of failure and his obvious enthusiasm toward the property is promising, and it's hard to believe that the studio would make the same mistake twice. Expect another film in the next few years, as Fox attempts to retain the rights before they revert back to Marvel.
Source: Comingsoon