Report: 'Transformers' Series Will Be Rebooted by Hasbro and Paramount
After eleven years, five Michael Bay films, $4.4 BILLION dollars, and a series of numb-waning theatrical experiences, it appears the Transformers Cinematic Universe will receive a complete makeover. [Applause]
The following insight into Hasbro’s long standing Transformers franchise comes courtesy of Transformer World 2005's (TFW2005) New York Toy Fair coverage; and will likely induce a solid head nod of approval. (H/T Collider).
According to TFW2005, Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner announced to investors that the current Transformers live-action series as we know it will officially reset after December's Bumblebee: The Movie release. This doesn't come as a total surprise as we've heard talk of Paramount's plans to work collaboratively with the mega Toymaker in order to spawn a 'Hasbro Cinematic Universe' which will feature a slate of collaborative films from G.I. Joe, Dungeons & Dragons, and Micronauts.
Goldner confirmed Hasbro's new agreement will give the toymaker greater control of their own property, including 'greenlighting' future projects. As seen below, Transformers films beyond Bumblebee: The Movie are conspicuously omitted from Paramount's slate of films beyond 2021. As a result, those fourteen (FOURTEEN!) new Transformer stories Bay’s writing team had on the burner will be completely scrapped, signaling Hasbro’s desire to move on from Bay’s creative vision, opening the doors for Travis Knight or another filmmaker to spawn a new series.

In roughly less than ten months from today, 'Transformers' purists and fan casuals will get their chance to see if Travis Knight’s Bumblebee: The Movie will breathe life into Paramount and Hasbro's $4.4 billion dollar tent-pole or merely fizzle as a lackluster contributor. I'm inclined to say the former but your gut feeling is just as questionable as mine.