Ridley Scott on Blade Runner 2
Filmmaker Ridley Scott is going to be a very, very busy man in the next few years. In the past few weeks he has been promoting his latest movie, The Martian, and speaking about his next project, the sequel to Prometheus which will be called Alien: Paradise Lost.
Apparently there will be more than one Prometheus sequel. And on top of that, he will also be one of the producers of Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5, though it appears no filming date has been set.
Scott also brought up his other project, the Blade Runner sequel. He will be producing this movie with Denis Villeneuve (Sicario) as the director, and a cast that includes Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling. Scott had to convince Ford to return by showing him the script. "Harrison said, 'Meh,' " said Scott, "And I said, 'No, read this.' And I think he said, 'This is the best script I've ever had.' We've been working on it for a couple of years."
Not much is said about the plot, but according to Scott, the film will address one of the questions left unanswered in Blade Runner. Since it's release in 1984, fans had been debating on whether Deckard is a replicant. Scott hopes that this sequel will clear that up once and for all. He himself had always believed that Deckard is not human. “Of course he’s a bloody Replicant! He’s going to have to admit it. You’ll have to see the story. It’ll all make sense,” he told Yahoo Movies.
And finally, Scott was asked if he'd do multiple sequels of Blade Runner and he replied: "Everyone else is, so why not? I love to work. The French say “Work to live,” and I live to work".
No release date has been announced for the Blade Runner sequel.
Source: Yahoo! Movies and slashfilm.com