Rogue One Star Felicity Jones Comments on Reshoot Drama
A few months ago plenty of fuss was made over the reshoots conducted for upcoming Star Wars spin-off picture Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (significantly the first in a new line of Star Wars features).
Felicity Jones, profiled in a recent issue of THR, has of course played down those reshoots months later. "Obviously when you come to the edit, you see the film come together and you think, ‘Actually, we could do this better, and this would make more sense if we did this.
"I’ve done it so many times. I mean, you wouldn’t just give your first draft on this story, would you?" Kathleen Kennedy shared similar sentiments, playing down the significance of what appeared to be quite rigorous reshoots.
"I’m sure if you picked up the phone and called every single large, technical movie and said, ‘You ever gone in and done reshoots?’ they’d all say, ‘Oh God, yes.’ So why has it turned into a big story? Because it’s Star Wars, and they put a spotlight and scrutinize every single thing that gets done. But it was always planned and nothing unusual."
Given the backlash at the final product that was Suicide Squad, which also had plenty of talk surrounding its reshoots and which has ultimately been critiqued not exclusively but notably for its editing. All eyes are on Rogue One.
Source: Slashfilm
Source: Slashfilm