Ronda Rousey to Star in 'Road House' Remake
We seem to have entered the age of the remakes, as we see more and more old films being green lit by the big guns in Hollywood. It's becoming quite apparent that the "Big 6" are running out of ideas or just simply getting lazy. One of the latest films to be picked out the dusty backroom is 'Road House', which starred Patrick Swayze back in the late 80's. Although the film was not a box office success it is still considered to be one of Swayze most memorable roles and the film in itself is considered a cult classic (considering who you ask). But this remake has a little twist that's gonna make a world of a difference; It's starring kick-ass, mixed martial art fighter Ronda Rousey! Yes, you read that right, not a guy but a girl, and a pretty rad one at that, is gonna be kicking out drunk rednecks from the The Double Deuce and busting corrupt businessman ass in a small town in Missouri. Sounds like a hit if you ask me, so not too shabby MGM, not too shabby. The film is set to began production sometime 2016, with MGM still looking for screenwriters. So we have yet to see what direction they will take the film, wether they would stick to the original concept or take it in a whole different direction. But this casting choice alone has already stirred some trouble with fans of the movie, who rejoice in the masculinity of the film and feel that this is just another ploy by Hollywood to please the female community, that feels that women in movies and most specifically action ones are treated like trophies and giving no identity.