Rose Red, Snow White's Sister, is Getting a Live-Action Film from Disney
Disney continues to reinvent their own wheel, and next up is a film indirectly tied to Snow White's mythology, this time focusing in on her sister, Rose Red.
The film is set to play Rose Red into the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarves story, adding her into the third act of the fairytale. This comes from THR, that reports a script has been written by Justin Merz and Evan Daugherty based on the character from Grimm's Fairy Tales.
In the story, once Snow White bites from the poison apple, Rose Red teams up with Grumpy and the dwarves to try and break the curse.
Daugherty wrote Snow White and the Huntsman, so his return to the fairytale world is fitting. Producer Trip Vinson is involved in this as well as two other films for Disney, Genies and Prince Charming. There is no suggested date for when we might see Rose Red on-screen.
Source: Comicbook