Screenwriter Will Beall Promises a Tonally Different DCEU Film with 'Aquaman'
There's two films to come before we get our first solo adventure ever on the big screen with Aquaman, but 2018 isn't far away. Wonder Woman has been cited as changing the tone of the DCEU, though how extensively remains to be seen given that it is a war film. Screenwriter Will Beall attended the TCA 2017 on behalf of his work on the CBS Training Day series, but fronted some questions regarding the DCEU.
“It’s going to be fun, it’s going to be really fun. What we’ve come up with and James [Wan] especially — he has a really clear idea of the tone he’s going to have, and I think Aquaman is one that’s going to blow people’s minds, not just visually, but I think the story and the scope of it is really great.”
With Jason Momoa in the lead role, you can bet that Aquaman as a product of the modern superhero wave will be taken a little more seriously, though hopefully that doesn't clash with this "fun" tone being aimed for. Beall also spoke on Justice League, for which he wrote a very early draft.
“I think Justice League again is, what you’re going to see — I hope I’m not going to get in trouble for saying this — but it’s much more fun, much poppier, than … I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but Batman vs Superman was a little more somber. But Justice League is a lot more fun. And I think that feels to me like the direction those movies are heading now.”
It might be a little soon to tempt fans to get excited about the future of the DCEU, given that 2016 was an exciting prospect a year ago. Nevertheless, there's enough intrigue around the upcoming titles, and Warner Bros. can be thankful that their giant property will endure the recent setbacks. But it won't endure forever.
Source: Collider