Sicario Editor Joe Walker on Finding a Rhythm for the Visually Haunting Film
Editor Joe Walker was not left wanting when he received the footage for Sicario, ripe and full of potential as a visually astounding picture.
Walker explained in the January 13 issue of Variety that he and director Denis Villeneuve decided very early on to cut the film with no temp track. This had the intended affect of capturing a stronger sense of suspense.
In seeking rhythm in the camerawork, without speakers at times, he focused on how the characters reacted and responded to one another, as opposed to focusing solely on the dialogue between them.
The removal of a temp track freed up composer Johann Johannson to create his score without the overbearing presence of preemptive music added in earlier. He and Walker could then collaborate with one another in the post production process, allowing for care and precision in both areas.
The film is ultimately a visually stunning piece, with a soundtrack that has a presence completely its own, so much so that its absence would surely make for a completely different film altogether.
Source: Variety