So, in Case He Needed to, Christian Bale Debunks Fan Theory That He is Still Batman
The internet continues to astound at times. Much like the adamant Walking Dead fans convinced that Beth is still alive, a fan theory continues to circle that claims Christian Bale will continue his iconic role as Batman in the recent trilogy and carry it into Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
So, in case all of the trailers and posters and stills and interviews didn't convince them otherwise, Bale has addressed the news with a blunt "no".
"I haven't heard that," he said. "This is the first I've heard of it. I think it's pretty clear that Ben [Affleck] is playing Batman now."
The theory suggests that Ben Affleck is not Bruce Wayne but a man who took over from Christian Bale's character (much like Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character was alluded to have done at the conclusion of The Dark Knight Rises). This could give credibility to the theory.
But it doesn't. It's not happening. I'm willing to be surprised. It would be the greatest con in film history. Which also makes it the least likely fan theory to ever come to fruition. Hopefully Bale's confirmation is the end of that.
Source: Cinemablend