Star Wars 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' Film May Start Production in 2019
Rumblings in the Star Wars universe speculate the highly anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi spinoff is being eyed for 2019 according to sources at Omega Underground.
Just breathe.....
In August,The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Disney and Lucasfilm began discussions for a standalone film focusing on everyone's favorite Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and would be directed by Oscar-nominated director Stephen Daldry (The Hours). At that time, sources reported the project was still in its early stages, and was without a script.
Now, a recent report from Omega Underground has made waves with a production source revealing the studio is expecting the standalone to begin filming at Pinewood Studios UK (confirmed stage location) sometime in January 2019. I could end that sentence with a question mark because a 'source' is just that. With The Last Jedi out in theaters, there are only two remaining Star Wars films planned and set for release - Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story set for May 25, 2018 and JJ Abrams' untitled Episode IX slated for December 20, 2019.
Depending on your level of skepticism, fans hoping to see an Obi-Wan Kenobi film can at least hang their hats on Lucasfilm's plan to extend the franchise for ten more years. And according to Lucasfilm's head Kathleen Kennedy, those plans could include an extension of stories for Rey, Poe, Finn, and even BB-8! Connect the dots with theories about Rey's lineage to a certain Jedi Master and conventional fandom says, we not only want to see an Obi-Wan standalone but an entire saga that follows all-things Kenobi - including his Obi-Wan's relationship with Yoda.
Though no official offer has been reported, Ewan McGregor has expressed interest in reprising the Jedi Master, first introduced in Episode IV - A New Hope played by Sir Alec Guinness and recast with McGregor in the prequel trilogy starting with Phantom Menace. If McGregor were cast, it may tip the hand in terms of potential story and timelines following his origins with Qui-Gon Jinn, or following Ben Kenobi's exile at Revenge of the Sith's conclusion.
Just Breathe....
Now if only Omega Underground's source is right....