'Star Wars Rebels' Talks Season 3, His Freedom with the Source Material
With old and new things coming to Star Wars Rebels in season 3, showrunner Dave Filoni has spoken to Comicbook.com about George Lucas' input and the level of freedom he has with the characters and world.
“Anything I do with the Force are just extensions of my talks with George. George really opened that door with Mortis and the priestesses to say that the Force is a bigger thing than a lot of people have pictured. It’s not a device that just the Jedi and the Sith wield. I have to say – I tried my best to digest what George was saying and study it, but he is and will always be the ultimate master of that lore because he created it; I am just one person interpreting it.
"I do the best I can, and I try to inform my opinions to Kiri [Hart] and Story Group so there is some continuity going on." The new season teases the possibility of Force magic. "I’ve gone as far as to say, when you’re a great pilot [in the Star Wars galaxy], are you using the Force? Probably! You’re in the moment," Filoni said.
"You can’t push and pull things to you – you don’t have that discipline – but you’re kinetically dodging a bunch of asteroids, which the odds of doing according to Threepio are almost impossible. What does that mean, when Han has this lack of faith, that he’s doing things [like that]?"
"Having the Force doesn’t mean you’re a superhero. It’s not that at all; it’s just being in the moment and being very true and flowing through the Force to do great things," Filoni explained. "Athletes talk about being ‘In the zone.’ They’ll say they’ve only been ‘in the zone’ twice in their entire sports professional career. Jedi are in the zone way more often than that, but they’re exceptional."
There's plenty of new things coming to Rebels that will add and expand on the existing lore. The series returns this fall on Disney XD.
Source: Comicbook