Star Wars: The Force Awakens Character Maz Kanata Was Alive During The Prequels
We all have questions about Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but it's shocking that the most unique and overlooked character might have the best backstory!
During Star Wars: The Force Awakens it is confirmed that Maz Kanata has lived for over a thousand years. So if she was a 1000 years old she would of been around during the prequel trilogy. To add more fuel to the story in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace there is a scene when Anakin Skywalker is showing off his droid and a doll that ironically looks like Maz Kanata is sitting right next to it. Could little Anakin been modeling off of somebody?
J.J Abrams has recently confirmed there was going to be a scene which got deleted in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
"Where Maz Kanata gives the lightsaber to Finn after Rey gets scared and refuses it. Then Stormtroopers were going to be rushing down the steps of Maz Kanata's basement and Maz would use the force to have the wall fall on them. This would lead to Maz saying that she is 'Force sensitive.' "
Bringing a wall down on somebody means that you have the force and it's obviously pretty strong. Though Maz Kanata confirmed that she is not a Jedi it's fun to speculate that this new Star Wars character has been in the universe longer then we have all have thought.
Maz Kanata's status for Star Wars: Episode VIII is up in the air, but maybe we will see her in a spinoff movie soon?