Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Gwendoline Christie on Keeping Captain Phasma's Helmet On
Speaking with EW, Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones) opened up regarding her character's mysterious appearance, made even more-so by the fact that she never removes her helmet.
"I thought it was a really interesting opportunity because as an actor I'm interested in transformation and different kind of roles. What's the role about? Who is the character? What does the character mean in the function of a project or story?
"I thought it was a really interesting opportunity to play a female character where we formed an opinion of her based on her actions rather than the way she has been made flesh. And that concept within a Star Wars movie, a mainstream phenomenon, was very modern and interesting and exciting.
"She's a woman, she's in armour, the armour isn't sexualised, and in the film we don't see the actor's face - I thought that was an exciting, modern concept." She's understandably delighted to be appearing in the next film.
While the character's appearance was certainly exciting in the lead-up to the film, her role was utterly disappointing in it, playing a minor part in proceedings and becoming the subject of comic relief at one point. Hopefully she gets a better chance to shine in Episode VIII.
Source: Comicbook